Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Awesomely Radical, Adorably Hilarious, Endearing, Enchanting, Beautiful, Little Girl

It's a shame how little i say about my little bug because she is the light of my life and the center of my universe and all the other cheesy cliches you can think of put together. So this post is just some cute little snippets of my life with the cecy gwen:

♥ a few days ago i had a massive migrane and cecily is familiar enough with them that after i take my medicine, i hand her a timer and tell her not to come in mommy's room until it goes off. this one was such a doozy that she had to come back a few times. after one check up on mommy she got a blue sharpie and wrote "cecily ♥ mommy" on my door. i couldn't be mad because it was so sweet! but seriously! permanent marker???

♥ she likes to tell me how many kids she wants me to have. yes, i have explained to her that i have to be married to have them, but she still likes to pretend. usually she tells me two brothers and two sisters. the sisters would sit in the back with her and one of the brothers would drive while the other sat in the front seat. i ask her, "where will mommy sit?" to which she replies i can sit on top of the car with the dog. then she found out that if i get married that the daddy will stay with us all the time so he got put up there with the dog and i.

♥ classic kid cursing story: cecily was playing with two barbie dolls in the back seat of the car while we were driving somewhere. i over heard her have one doll say to the other (and excuse my french): "you stupid bitch!" i freaked out! calmly of course. i asked her where she heard that, to which she replied "sometimes i just know these words mommy" and then told her that it was very, very mean and that we shouldn't ever say that. she seemed repetant enough and continued playing. a few minutes later i heard her say the curse word again!
"cecily! we don't say that!"
"but mommy i said that she wasn't a stupid bitch." ahh. now that is perfectly okay.

(she has since then asked if santa clause and jesus know that she said those words. i told her yes but they were pretty big on forgiveness)

♥ we recently welcomed a new member of the family, the invisible dog ashleigh. it was fortunate in that he showed up right after the fairy friend we had left to go back home to her family. ashleigh perfers mice to eat, but will eat whatever cecily has for dinner, and prefers to sleep on her bed with a little pillow and stuffed animals. they both insist on bed time stories and goodnight kisses (though i usually have to ask where the dog's head is) and yes there are times when we open the front door and let the dog out to go potty. just a few nights ago i had to go back inside my parents' house to get little ashleigh who got left in the rush to the car. cecily told me ashleigh can only stay until easter when she fully expects to get a real dog. hmmm...

♥ being an only child, cecily has a few peculiar habits. when she says something funny, she immediately repeats it with the introduction of "i just said..." and laughs at it again. yes she does this when i am not in the room, almost more often when i'm not. she also prefers "disappearing friends" as she calls them. though i have asked they only come out at home and not in preschool. she also assumes that at all times she is the center of attention and the boss of all the adults in the room. sadly, it is my mom, dad, and i that have fostered this. you should see how bad we are at bending to her every whim.

♥ cecily is incredibly dramatic, which i find highly entertaining. the other day she was rather warm in the car and asked to roll down the window. as she did she exclaimed, "oh mama! i cried for you!!" yes she was referring to the wind as mama. i... don't know...
she can't walk anywhere but must prance about. she lives in a world of fairy tales and is at any one moment one princess or another. i've learned not to try and guess in case i get it wrong. i've also learned that my child never gasps unless she's playing pretend so it's best not to get worried about what might be wrong unless i want to get sucked into the fantasy world.

♥everyone should be told they are loved the mostest.

♥it amazes me that no matter what size she is, she always fits perfectly in my arms and her head seems to be made for the crook of my neck.

♥ nothing is better than being greeted at the end of a long day by a genuine and enthusiastic grin and the biggest hug a little body can muster.

♥ every saturday morning begins with some snuggles and tickles.

♥ kisses are currency at my house. and as cecily told me today, "mommy you should never say sorry for too many kisses!"

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