Tuesday, March 12, 2013

stuck in my head

i've had the opening line of a story stuck in my head for days and i wanted to write it down and think on it. then i decided that it would be better if other people thought on it instead. it's a dreadful realistic fiction story about all kinds forms of love, believed in and not believed in. so tell me what you think...

I'm not the kind of heroine you root for.
I'm the kind you want to grab by the shoulders and shake some sense into.
I was born at the end of the generation of "everyone is special" and at the very beginning of generation "entitlement." These two would have been a dangerous combination if I had not made the realization that when everyone is special, no one is and therefore you aren't special enough to be entitled to anything. So in the world of mediocrity that inhabit so skillfully, I find myself entering my third year at a state college with all the lovely fixings of debt, not enough time, hourly wages of desperation, and the remains of the programed desire to want to do well in school.
But I have one bright spot in my self clouded sky: Ainsley.
Ainsley didn't happen into my life by accident. At least not by my accident anyway. That mistake would belong to her mother, my best friend Clara, while under the influence of substance amore, a few months into her freshman year. However, since that fateful morning of a plastic stick with a blue plus sign, I've purposefully and doggedly stayed by the side of Clara and perhaps more accurately Ainsley. Clara is the spring wind, refreshing, chilling, and unpredictable. We've been roommates our entire college career, or my career at least. Clara is there when she can be. She seemed to have bought all that I rejected from our generation mash-up and in a disturbing way I love her for it. She is as special and entitled as I could dream to be if I dared let myself dream of anything.

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